Producing line art
In the course of our diverse publication projects, both online and in printed media, we sometimes come across a need for line art of devotional imagery. With an aim of developing a reference library, we are calling for your help.
You're exactly what we're looking for if:
- You can create line drawings from a scratch.
- You can trace photography or paintings into line art.
The work can be done either using traditional media (pen and paper), or with a vector graphics program such as Freehand or Illustrator. In the case of the former, we'll need high-resolution scans, as everything will be processed into a library of vector graphics for flexibility in publishing.
Some examples of the type of work we are in need of:
From the simpler end of the scale:

And more advanced examples:

We welcome both work on-demand as well as unsolicited contributions for possible future use. Terms of use for your work can be negotiated on a per-case basis.
If you feel you can help in this regard, please
contact us.